Joy Giving Association

Online meditations

Live meditations

Live meditation 24/7

All day and every day – Guided meditations, talks, music and more!
More live daily meditations.

3 minute meditation

Sit quietly for 3 minutes with your hands palm-up on lap. Eyes can be open or closed.
More guided meditations.

Daily live meditations on YouTube, Facebook & Zoom

Collective meditation sessions with clearing, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day. Suitable for complete beginners and regular mediators. Zoom sessions are interactive so you’ll be able to chat privately with our presenters if you have any questions.

Live daily meditations on YouTube, Zoom and Facebook

Quick start to your meditation …it’s easy!

Follow the 3 Step meditation guide below by Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) and experience a deep sense of meditation and peace. It takes only a few minutes and really works! You can sit on a chair or on the floor, with your shoes removed.

Step 1. Guided meditation to activate your inner being

Follow the steps in this video by Shri Mataji. You will be directed to place your right hand on various energy centres (chakras) on your left side while taking silent affirmations to activate your inner being. This process is called Self-Realisation.

Once you have finished viewing the above video proceed to Step 2.

Step 2. How to meditate

Once your inner being has been activated, follow these steps for your daily 10 minute meditation. (There’s no need to repeat Step 1 each time.)

  • Sit comfortably with both hands open, palms up on your lap. Sit on a chair or on the floor, as you wish. If you can, remove your shoes, to give you a connection with the Mother Earth.
  • Take a few deep breaths, then breathe in a quiet, relaxed way.
  • Keep your attention above your head. Let thoughts go without following them.
  • If thoughts continue, say gently within yourself, “Not this thought” or “I forgive myself, I forgive everyone”.
  • When you are peaceful, see if you can feel a gentle cool breeze on your hands, or gently blowing upwards above your head.
  • When you feel the cool above your head, gently keep your attention there. Rest both hands on your lap, palms up.
  • Relax and enjoy the peace and silence. You can play the meditation music below while you meditate.

Meditation Flute Music #1

Step 3. Next steps

Meditating daily for 10 – 15 minutes will help to strengthen and deepen your meditation experience. Download our Meditation Guide or visit the Multimedia Meditation Areas to learn more about the Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique.

Meditation Guide

Register your interest

To participant in our weekly classes and online program, please register your interest so we can keep in touch with you via emails and WhatsApp.
Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of the sessions.